The Colombian Student Association (CSAP) is committed to engage people in the discussion of Colombian affairs through academic events, professional development and socio-cultural activities.
CSAP's initiatives include:
- Sponsorship of workshops, seminars and conferences of professional development for Purdue students.
- Promotion of links between community, corporations, and non-profit organizations in the Greater Lafayette surroundings.
- Organization social and recreational activities.
The Colombian Student Association at Purdue (CSAP) is a student organization recognized by Purdue's Student Activities and Organizations. CSAP is an official organization of Colombian individuals linked to Purdue University.
Designed by Esteban García Bravo in 2011, and inspired in the Quimbaya pectoral made of Tumbaga, an alloy of gold and copper.
The pectoral is a two-dimensional representation of the human body with multiple symmetries. The use of gold for ornaments was an emblem for power and hierarchy (1). This piece corresponds with a cultural period denominated Clásico Regional (Regional Classic), between 1 and 800 A.D (4).
Material: Tumbaga (Gold alloy with 30% copper)
Date: 0 - 550 A.D.
Name: El Dragón (The Dragon)
Location of finding: Calarcá, Quindío​
Size: 23.4 × 25.7 cm²

More information (In Spanish)
Subgerencia Cultural del Banco de la República (2015). Tolima: la gente y el oro en el valle del Magdalena. Retrieved, February 19, 2016, from : http://www.banrepcultural.org/museo-del-oro/sociedades/tolima
Álvaro Botiva (1996). Registro de una tumba prehispánica en el municipio de Suárez (Tolima). Boletín de Arqueología, 11, 1. Fundación de Investigaciones Arqueológicas Nacionales, Bogotá.
Juan Manuel Llanos & Sandra Gutiérrez (2006). Bajo el sol abrasador de las llanuras de Coyaima: aproximaciones a la historia prehispánica del valle del Magdalena tolimense. Maguaré, 20, Bogotá.
Juan Manuel Llanos & Héctor Salgado (2010). El Tolima milenario, un viaje por la diversidad. Universidad del Tolima y Banco de la República de Colombia. Ibagué. Digital http://www.banrepcultural.org/sites/default/files/pagina/89231/expo-virtual-baja_Final.pdf
Banco de la República (2007). Museo del Oro: Patrimonio Milenario de Colombia.